We have revised our guidance on face masks, in line with national guidance
If you DO have fever, cough, or loss of sense of smell: We would ask you continue to wear a face covering
It is very likely you have an infectious respiratory illness if you have these symptoms (whether Covid 19 or another infectious illness such as the Flu). We would ask that you wear a face covering while in the surgery. We would also recommend asking for a phone consultation as a first point of contact if you have these symptoms – the clinician can arrange a follow up face to face consultation if this is required.
If you DON’T have fever, cough or loss of sense of smell: Face covering is optional but recommended
We would ask that you wear a face covering in Ivy Court Surgery if you are willing and able to do so, to help make those around you feel safe. This is particularly recommended in crowded public areas such as the waiting room.
Many of the patients who come into Ivy Court Surgery are significantly vulnerable to infectious illness. Many of the patients in our waiting room may be frail, on chemotherapy or other immunosuppression medicines for example. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted how respiratory illnesses can spread easily in crowded environments, such as a surgery waiting room and we wish to continue to do what we can to mitigate this risk and keep everyone safe.