We ask that you put your repeat medication requests in at least 4 full working days in advance, because there are a number of stages that have to be followed before your medication is ready:
- The request has to be translated into a formal prescription
- The prescription has to be signed by a Doctor
- The prescription has to be sent to your chosen Pharmacy or to our Dispensary
- The medication may have to be ordered from the supplier, as Pharmacies and Dispensaries do not carry every item in stock for cost, shelf life and supply issues (amongst others)
- The medication has to be dispensed, labelled and packed
Please, therefore, plan your repeat medication requests in advance to avoid unnecessary problems.
- Do not submit your repeat request slips if you have more than ten days supply of your medicines remaining.
- We are unable to store repeat slips awaiting issue due to confidentiality protocols.
- Any repeat requests received more than ten days before their re-issue date will have to be destroyed without issue.
We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and your co-operation is appreciated.
Repeat prescription requests are not accepted over the telephone, for data accuracy and audit trail purposes. Requests can be made by:
- By using the repeat slip attached to the original prescription
- Hand written or by using the repeat slips available in the porch area or from Reception
- Online.
- Posted to “Dispensary, Ivy Court Surgery, Recreation Ground Rd, Tenterden TN30 6RB”.
There is a prescription postbox located by the front door and also a prescription box inside the main porch area.